Sounds Interesting: The barbers of the quill.
This podcast from the Naxos Sounds Interesting series introduces a selection of classical music items associated with male personal grooming experts, either by profession or name.
Updates from the world's leading classical music label
This podcast from the Naxos Sounds Interesting series introduces a selection of classical music items associated with male personal grooming experts, either by profession or name.
This podcast from the Naxos Sounds Interesting series spotlights a collection of unfortunate musicians who became hostages of war at the outbreak of the First World War and whose story is as inspiring as the music that sustained them. The setting is Ruhleben, a racecourse in Berlin. The presenter is Richard Kennedy. Read More …
Composers can’t always hang around waiting for a visit by Euterpe, the ancient Greek Muse of music, to sow a seed of inspiration for their next composition. Commissioning agents have a long and much-appreciated record of standing in for when that vital role of providing a creative impetus is required and this podcast from the Read More …
Gothic art feeds off deathly horror, and music from the Romantic period especially tapped into its creative possibilities. Richard Kennedy presents a selection of extracts from compositions with literary, historical and architectural Gothic associations.
This podcast from the Naxos Sounds Interesting series spotlights the contributions of seven composers who made significant, but neglected contributions to the heritage of American symphonic music. The presenter is Richard Kennedy.
This podcast from the Naxos Sounds Interesting series highlights some humorous lines from the pens of the past masters. The presenter is Richard Kennedy.
This podcast from the Naxos Sounds Interesting series aims to create a bit of a buzz by putting a few musical bees in your bonnet, specially hived off from the Naxos catalogue. The presenter is Richard Kennedy.