Podcast: Karabtchevsky on Villa-Lobos.

Since the 1970s, Brazilian conductor Isaac Karabtchevsky has steadfastly developed one of the most brilliant careers across the Brazilian and international music scenes, The Guardian in 2009 hailing him as one of Brazil’s living icons. He’s heard in this podcast In conversation with Raymond Bisha, discussing the music of fellow Brazilian icon, the composer Heitor Read More …

Podcast: Weaving intellect with emotion: Daron Hagen’s cantata Everyone, Everywhere.

American composer Daron Hagen talks about his cantata Everyone, Everywhere in conversation with Raymond Bisha. Composed In 2023 to mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Hagen found impetus in the contemporary political status of his own nation to recontextualise the declaration’s dry language and enable him to convey its emotional Read More …

Podcast: Pade, Krek, Batič. Denmark meets Slovenia to inspirational effect

In this podcast, Raymond Bisha discusses a new album from the Danish National Vocal Ensemble with their chief conductor, Slovenian Martina Batič. The programme similarly melds the two nations in a programme of choral music by Slovenian composer Uroš Krek (1922–2008) and Danish composer Else Marie Pade (1924–2016), the latter a pioneer in electronic music Read More …

Podcast: Lutenist Yasunori Imamura plays transcriptions of Bach

Raymond Bisha introduces the first of two albums of transcriptions of J. S. Bach’s cello suites performed by Yasunori Imamura, one of the world’s leading lutenists, both as a soloist and as a continuo player. His chosen instrument for these recordings is the theorbo, an instrument that more suitably reflects the range of the cello, Read More …

Podcast: An introduction to Christian Sinding’s four symphonies.

What to make of Norwegian composer Christian Sinding, who is chiefly remembered only by ambitious amateur pianists for his Rustle of Spring? He was a more important figure in the music of his native Norway than this might suggest; there, in his time, he was second only to Grieg. Raymond Bisha introduces us to Sinding’s Read More …

Podcast: A Brazilian discovery. Francisco Mignone’s late violin sonatas

Developed in collaboration with the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Naxos’ Music of Brazil series is part of the Brasil em Concerto project, presenting around 100 orchestral, chamber, choral and vocal works from the 19th and 20th centuries, many of which were previously unpublished or simply undiscovered. Such was the case of Francisco Mignone’s (1897–1986) Read More …

Podcast: Sir Simon Rattle probes Mahler’s Seventh Symphony

This podcast features conductor Sir Simon Rattle in conversation with Raymond Bisha as they reference his new recording of Mahler’s Seventh Symphony with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. Sir Simon outlines his personal history with the work, from being overwhelmed at hearing it for the first time as a young schoolboy to his mature understanding Read More …

Podcast: Regaining recognition. Paul Wranitzky’s orchestral works.

A student of Haydn, a masonic brother of Mozart and a fine composer in his own right, Paul Wranitzky (1756–1808) left behind 45 symphonies that are at long last stepping out of the shadows thanks to ongoing recordings and increased access to published scores. Raymond Bisha introduces Vol. 8 in Naxos’ series of Wranitzky’s orchestral Read More …

Podcast: Christmas fizz. Black Dyke presents John Rutter.

John Rutter is the most acclaimed composer of Christmas carols alive today, while the Black Dyke Band occupies the highest rank in the worldwide brass band community. Raymond Bisha introduces a new album that bridges these two pinnacles in arrangements for brass of Rutter’s celebrated seasonal works, together with three in their original choral versions, Read More …

Podcast: Composer Kenneth Fuchs. The latest recordings.

American composer Kenneth Fuchs discusses the programmes of his two most recent albums in conversation with Raymond Bisha; both recordings feature the Sinfonia of London and soloists under conductor John Wilson. Fuchs describes the unusual conception of his Concerto for Bass Trombone (a commissioning consortium of 21 bass trombonists was involved!) and the formative inspiration Read More …